Publications & Insights TechBrief: Key legal developments in the technology sector - July 2016
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TechBrief: Key legal developments in the technology sector - July 2016

Saturday, 30 July 2016

In the latest issue of the ByrneWallace TechBrief, our quarterly bulletin reviewing key legal developments in the technology sector, we we cover the following topics:

  • Preparing your organisation for the new General Data Protections Regulations  (“GDPR” );

  • New Regulation on cross-border electronic transactions which comes into force from July 2016;

  • A new EU Trade Secrets Directive aimed at harmonising the meaning of “Trade Secrets” and introducing measures to address misuse and disclosures;

  • A recent case concerning Supermacs vs McDonalds which highlights what’s acceptable in terms of international brand names;

  • Overview of the new Network and Information Security Directive which becomes law from August 2016;

  • Review of the recent ruling that Google’s use of Java APIs constituted ‘fair use’ and did not infringe copyright; and on a lighter note

  • A recent case in which York Magistrates Court in the UK prosecuted a gentleman who took a selfie during his friend’s court appearance. 

Click here to download the full TechBrief bulletin.

For further information on any of the issues covered or for general legal advice, contact a member of our Technology team.