Outsourcing Services
- Project management – project management of process from early-stage strategic decision right through to contract execution and beyond;
- Selection of supplier – drafting of Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation to Tender (ITT), including legal terms & conditions & review/analysis of responses; negotiating Memorandum of Understanding (MOU);
- Procurement / tendering process – advice on procurement documentation and process, assistance in completing tender documentation; drafting (or review) of Best and Final Offer (BAFO);
- Due diligence – conducting legal / contractual due diligence of customer or service provider and managing the due diligence process for the client;
- Negotiation of Outsourcing Contract – leading negotiation of Outsourcing Contract and all related schedules, including key issues such as defining KPIs & Service Levels; charging mechanisms, cost controls & benchmarking; regulatory compliance; managing IPR & confidential information; knowledge transfer; change control; data protection; warranties & liability limitations; risk management such as business continuity & disaster recovery; termination and exit management
- Negotiation of transfer agreements – leading negotiation of key sale or structural agreements such as the business transfer agreement; joint venture agreement or share sale agreement & ancillary documentation such as IPR assignments; property licences etc & advice on key related issues;
- Employment & industrial relations strategies – strategic advice on transfer of undertaking & redundancy issues; advice & liaison with HR Directors in respect of industrial relations strategies; advice on pensions issues relating to transferring employees; drafting of employment documentation;
- Relationship management / dispute resolution – post-execution review meetings with client and service provider teams; ongoing training in areas such as compliance & data protection; informal dispute resolution services / strategic advice & assistance in respect of formal dispute resolution mechanisms;
- Re-negotiation of Outsourcing Contract or transition to 2nd Generation provider – leading re-negotiations required to update charging and cost control provisions or at end contract term & providing strategic advice; advising in relation to exit of 1st generation provider & transition to 2nd generation provider & negotiating agreements/project managing process for 2nd generation provider.