News and Recent Work ByrneWallace Seminar discusses innovative ways to increase bilateral trade between Manchester and Ireland
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ByrneWallace Seminar discusses innovative ways to increase bilateral trade between Manchester and Ireland

Thursday, 25 October 2018

On Thursday, 18 October, leading Irish law firm ByrneWallace in association with the British Irish Chamber of Commerce and Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce brought together business leaders from the Greater Manchester region to discuss ways of increasing bilateral trade between Manchester and Ireland.

At the Ireland’s Open for Business: Building on Existing Ties; Developing Future Opportunities event, keynote speaker, former Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD spoke of the historic cultural and trading ties between Manchester and Ireland and also spoke of the Brexit challenges that lie ahead.

In his address, he told the audience “We meet here in Manchester at a time of considerable confusion about the outcome of Brexit.

“Irrespective of that outcome there are many opportunities to build on the historic and trading relationship between Ireland and the Greater Manchester area.”

Speaking at the event, Gerry Beausang, Corporate Partner and Head of the UK Group at ByrneWallace, said: “ByrneWallace has long been recognised as one of Ireland’s leading advisers of international companies and investors doing business in and through Ireland. In recent years, particularly as a result of Brexit, we have seen a significant increase in the level of foreign investment in Ireland, particularly by UK companies, and we have experienced greater engagement by these companies’ advisers, seeking our advice and assistance. 

“The purpose of this event is to strengthen connections between Ireland and the Greater Manchester region, and most importantly, we hope that it will build upon, stimulate and enable the development of new Irish-UK trading relationships amongst this thriving UK business community. Rarely has it been so relevant for us to do so.”

John McGrane, Director General of the British Irish Chamber of Commerce told firms they need to of look for new opportunities as they prepare for the challenges ahead. 

“We are not here to dissect Brexit but to instead spotlight the opportunities that firms should be looking to take anyway as they adapt to a potential new trading environment."

“We are also highlighting the investment in the region and the State supports available for businesses from great Agencies such as the UK’s Department of International Trade and Ireland’s IDA for companies looking to export and grow.”

Key Speakers at the event included: 

  • Enda Kenny TD, former Taoiseach
  • Niamh Breslin, Territory Director of the UK, IDA  
  • Stephen Malone, CEO, Malone Group
  • Shirley McCay, Director of Trade & Investment, UK Department for International Trade
  • Gerry Beausang, Partner and Head of UK Group, ByrneWallace
  • Neil Keenan, Partner, Head of Corporate Team, ByrneWallace
  • John McGrane, Director General British Irish Chamber of Commerce
  • Clive Memmott, Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

For further information and legal advice on doing business in or through Ireland, contact Gerry Beausang or a member of the ByrneWallace Brexit Team

PHOTO: Former Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD addressing guests at the ByrneWallace “Ireland’s Open for Business: Building on Existing Ties; Developing Future Opportunities” 
